Saturday, September 14, 2013

Knowledge ---- Light of LIFE

Knowledge provides light to the dark pathways of your Life. It enlightens a person’s self ability, personality, attitude, behavior, understanding …etc. If a person is not trying to get knowledge from any source then I must say that he lives his life in darkness. He will be just same like the frog who does know that the world is as big as the well that he lives in. because he will not analyze or visualize the world outside the well.

For knowledge Degree, schooling, college, etc... are only the basic sources where  he can get but it is not necessary that knowledge can be gain from all these sources only. In your day to day life, you hit by various situations & circumstances and that is the Real, practical knowledge comes from observing this situations visualizing the way of making things done.

From small things like point of a needle to huge mountains all tell us something about their existence, why they stand forth. We should also try to find out the reason why god has ultimately chosen us to gift the so called thing, LIFE.

After analyzing many a things, I come to a preposition that your ultimate reason to brought you in this world is to gain knowledge and then share your knowledge to other’s. You have to first gain the experiences, how things are working, how the people are there in our surroundings. You have to learn various things & ultimately you have to share those things to your surroundings. At this instance I remember one saying “Share if you Care”.

Sharing money to others will result into ending up one day. But sharing knowledge to others gives you double the knowledge that you have.

“Live & Let live” is now old for me and is replaced by “Learn, & Let make others Learn”

Each & every second of your life if you end up in Learning something & sharing it then as a resultant you will be a fine grained real output of knowledge & other people will also remember you after your existence.

Knowledge is the light,

Light your life with this,

Give your life a path, A way

Make learning your passion,

Make your goal to teach something to others,

Spread the Light of knowledge and your Life will be delighted. 

Popatia Aftab,
Web Analyst,
(E-tech Lab Solutions) 

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